What the experts are saying about My Feelings™
The social and emotional issues of children are often not addressed. Therapists most often consider developmental skill acquisition in cognitive, language, motor, sensory and other domains. But frequently missing is identification and understanding of how emotions can be used in daily life.
The team at Sensational Learners has developed a one-of-a-kind game that not only identifies emotions, but also provides a way to talk about and work on coping and compensation skills for the feelings a child experiences.
The My Feelings game has the best qualities of a game for children: first, it has universal applicability–it's appropriate for all children; second, it is FUN; and third, it is POSITIVE, focusing on what children can do! I highly recommend it! Play it . . . and you will laugh, learn and grow together.

Founder and Research Director, Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation
About Dr. Lucy J Miller
Dr. Miller is the founder and Clinical Director of the STAR Center. She is the author of the groundbreaking Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and co-author of No Longer a SECRET. She has been investigating, analyzing, and explaining SPD to other scientists, professionals, and parents since she studied under sensory integration pioneer A. Jean Ayres, PhD, OTR, more than thirty years ago.
Studies by Dr. Miller and her colleagues have helped bring SPD widespread recognition, and her work with families has improved countless lives. Dr. Miller has also developed seven nationally standardized tests for use worldwide to assess and diagnose SPD and other developmental disorders and delays. In 2004, Dr. Miller received the Award of Merit from the American Occupational Therapy Association, the profession’s highest honor, reserved for those therapists who have made an outstanding global contribution to the field. In 2005, she was awarded the Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Award by the state of Colorado for her three decades of work with children who have sensory processing disorder.
The game can help teachers, therapists and parents get conversations started to develop social skills. Works best when it is played between an engaging adult and the child.

About Dr. Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin is a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Facilities she has designed for handling livestock are used by many companies around the world. She has also been instrumental in implementing animal welfare auditing programs that are used by McDonalds, Wendy’s, Whole Foods, and other corporations. Temple has appeared on numerous TV shows such as 20/20. Larry King Live, and Prime Time. Dr. Grandin is the most accomplished and well-known autistic adult in the world, and was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2010.
Her books include: Thinking in Pictures, Livestock Handling and Transport and The Autistic Brain. Her book Animals in Translation has been on the New York Times Bestseller List.
What a great way to interactively identify, explore, engage with, and verbalize what are often difficult emotions to express in a safe, playful environment. Playing this game will help in developing active listening and understanding how others may feel as well as how one's feelings can affect others.
As a person with autism, My Feelings has my highest recommendation as a "must have" in one's toolkit for increasing "Feelings Literacy" as well as deepening meaningful relationships with others for children both on and off the autism spectrum.

Person on the autism spectrum.
About Stephen Shore, Ed.D.
Diagnosed with "Atypical Development and strong autistic tendencies" and "too sick" for outpatient treatment Dr. Shore was recommended for institutionalization. Nonverbal until four, and with much support from his parents, teachers, wife, and others, Stephen is now a professor at Adelphi University where his research focuses on matching best practice to the needs of people with autism.
In addition to working with children and talking about life on the autism spectrum, Stephen is internationally renowned for presentations, consultations and writings on lifespan issues pertinent to education, relationships, employment, advocacy, and disclosure. His most recent book College for Students with Disabilities combines personal stories and research for promoting success in higher education.
A current board member of Autism Speaks, president emeritus of the Asperger's Association of New England, and advisory board member of the Autism Society, Dr. Shore serves on the boards of the Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association, The US Autism and Asperger Association, the Scientific Counsel of OAR, and other autism related organizations.
Children who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder have considerable difficulty learning how to manage their emotions. The My Feelings board game is a fun way for children with ASD to explore their own emotions and acquire a range of constructive ways of expressing feelings. The game is appealing to children in terms of the quality of graphics, as well as the structure, activities and pace.
Children who have an ASD will identify with the situations and parents, teachers and therapists will have a greater insight into the child’s world of emotions. I particularly appreciated how the game encourages children to have fun with feelings and learn how they and other participants in the game share the same thoughts and emotions.

About Professor Attwood
Tony is a clinical psychologist who has specialised in autism spectrum disorders since he qualified as a clinical psychologist in England in 1975. He currently works in his own private practice, and is also adjunct professor at Griffith University, Queensland and senior consultant at the Minds and Hearts clinic in Brisbane. His book, Asperger’s Syndrome—A Guide for Parents and Professionals, has sold over 450,000 copies and has been translated into over 25 languages. His subsequent book, The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome, was published in October 2006 and is one of the primary textbooks on Asperger’s syndrome. He has several subsequent books published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Future Horizons Inc. and Guilford Press.
Tony has been invited to be a keynote speaker at many Australasian and International Conferences. He presents workshops and runs training courses for parents, professionals and individuals with Asperger's syndrome all over the world and is a prolific author of scientific papers and books on the subject.
He has worked with many thousands of individuals of all ages with Asperger's syndrome or an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
While created for individuals with autism spectrum disorder, this innovative game is appropriate for all children! The My Feelings game addresses emotions and self-regulation in a way that is informative and fun. Further, this game addresses social skills, including conversational and listening skills, and literacy.
Appropriate for children from 4 to 99, this game should be in every classroom, daycare, and therapist’s office. My Feelings combines fun and learning – I highly recommend this wonderful material.

About Brenda Smith Myles
Brenda Smith Myles PhD, a consultant with the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) and the Ziggurat Group, is the recipient of the Autism Society of America’s Outstanding Professional Award, the Princeton Fellowship Award, The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome (GRASP) Divine Neurotypical Award, American Academy of Pediatrics Autism Champion, and two-time recipient of the Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Developmental Disabilities Burton Blatt Humanitarian Award.
She served as the editor of Intervention in School and Clinic, the third largest journal in special education, and has been a member of the editorial board of several journals, including Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Remedial and Special Education, and Autism: The International Journal of Research. Brenda has made over 1000 presentations all over the world and written more than 250 articles and books on ASD. In addition, she served as the co-chair of the National ASD Teacher Standards Committee; was on the National Institute of Mental Health’s Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee’s Strategic Planning Consortium; and collaborated with the National Professional Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders, National Autism Center, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services who identified evidenced based practices for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and served as Project Director for the Texas Autism Resource Guide for Teachers (TARGET).
Myles is also on the executive boards of several organizations, including the Scientific Council of the Organization for Autism Research (SCORE), College Internship Program, Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation Network, and ASTEP – Asperger Syndrome Training and Education Program. Further, in the latest survey conducted by the University of Texas, she was acknowledged as the second most productive applied researcher in ASD in the world.
In development every dialogue is important, be it between children and parents, teachers and students, therapists and patients, and certainly between friends. In development discovery is essential.
The My Feelings game offers both as the game carries you through the maze of emotions and self-regulatory strategies. Sitting face-to-face in dialogue with your partner, solving problems and discovering your feelings as well as those of others and having fun, is an asset that all intervention approaches can benefit from.
Do not bypass this easy-to-learn game to catch your child's gleam and advance your relationship through social interactions and communication. I recommend it to you!

About Dr. Serena Wieder
Dr. Wieder is a Clinical Psychologist and the Clinical Director of Profectum Foundation, which offers multidisciplinary training and parent education programs related to sensory processing and autism spectrum disorders. She was a co-founder and past Associate Chair of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL), where she directed the DIR Institute. Dr. Wieder also serves on the Board of Zero to Three: the National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. Currently, she conducts a clinical and consulting practice in New York City for infants, children, adolescents and adults with complex developmental and mental health challenges, and consults to various clinical and educational programs in the U.S. and abroad.
Dr. Wieder publishes widely on The DIR Model, diagnostic classification, emotional and symbolic development and training. She also co-authored Engaging Autism, The Child with Special Needs, and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, with Stanley Greenspan, and Visual/Spatial Portals to Thinking, Feeling and Movement with Harry Wachs, OD.
Once in a while a game is created that supports the learning of valuable skills, builds relationships, and is tons of fun! This is that game. Children will learn about themselves: how to read the signs that they are becoming disregulated and learn strategies that can return them to their calm state. Parents will also learn about themselves and about their child.
Therapists and teachers can use this game as a valuable learning tool. Everyone can have a fun time learning! I can't wait to begin using this game in my practice … let the learning begin!

About Paula Aquilla
Paula Aquilla loves the practice of Occupational Therapy and Osteopathy! She is the Director of Aquilla Occupational Therapy, a family-oriented practice that is full of fun and learning. Paula was the founding director of Yes I Can! Nursery School, Yes I Can! summer camps, and I Love My Baby programs in Toronto from 1990 to 1996. She was the founding director of Giant Steps, Toronto, and she currently consults to Aptus Treatment Centres and to various schools in Toronto.
Paula teaches throughout Canada, the U.S., Australia, the U.K., and India. Her practice encompasses all types of children and young adults, and her specialty is sensory integration therapy. Paula has been a guest lecturer for the University of Toronto, McMaster University, and Humber College. She is the co-author of Building Bridges through Sensory Integration and Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders (1998), and is a contributor to Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Paula has contributed to several magazines and special interest newsletters in Canada, the U.S., and the U.K. She is also the technical editor for the SI Focus Magazine.
Changing schools. Losing a pet. Making a friend. Going to the dentist. Trying out for the soccer team. Being a kid isn’t always easy. It’s filled with new experiences, surprises, excitement, disappointments and challenges. Some children seem to have the necessary tools to navigate the emotional ups and downs of growing up. Others, however, seem to struggle and need more support. That is, they may need more help than other children to learn about, label and navigate emotions. These are the youngsters who really need the My Feelings game.
The My Feelings game is not only fun, but it can help any child build confidence, build skills and make connections with others. The purpose of the game is not to win, but to learn, explore, disclose, share and think. For this reason, it is not only a great toy for teaching those with autism, learning disabilities or emotional needs, but also an ideal tool for building community in a classroom or bonding on family game night.

About Paula Kluth
Dr. Paula Kluth is an author, advocate and independent scholar. Her work is centered on providing inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities and creating more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all. Paula is a former special educator who has served as a classroom teacher and inclusion facilitator. Her professional interests include differentiating instruction, inclusive schooling and collaboration.
She is the author or co-author of twelve books on these topics including: "Don't We Already Do Inclusion?": 100 Ways to Improve Inclusive Schools, "You're Going to Love This Kid": Teaching Students with Autism in Inclusive Classrooms and The Autism Checklist.
The My Feelings game is a fun and interactive tool that can be used with children to encourage recognition of and connection to emotions. What is unique about this game, is that while children are learning about various emotions, they are also learning about self-regulation. As children work their way to the finish line, they choose some cards that reflect on emotions and other cards that encourage exploration of strategies that can used to manage emotions. They even choose cards that allow for movement breaks. The game's simple format can be easily learned and allows for use in any home, educational or clinic setting. It is recommended for children with autism spectrum disorders and for those with other social-emotional or self-regulation challenges but is a fun way to encourage social interaction and discussions about emotions with all children. My associates and I are using it in my clinic and I am recommending it to families. I wish it was available when I was raising my own children.

About Ellen Yack
Ellen Yack has practiced occupational therapy since 1979, and has a Masters Degree in Education. She currently is the Director of Ellen Yack and Associates Paediatric Therapy Services, a private agency providing occupational therapy and speech and language services to children, adolescents and their families in Toronto and surrounding locations. Her areas of expertise include sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorders, global developmental delays, learning disabilities and disorders of self-regulation.
Ellen is certified to provide DIR ® Floortime intervention. Ellen provides occupational therapy consultation to the Redpath Centre for Social and Emotional Development, and consults to the Autism Team at the Toronto District Catholic School Board and the Autism program at Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre.
Ellen conducts a variety of workshops across Canada, and has published in her field. She is one of the co-authors of the book Building Bridges through Sensory Integration: Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders, and is a contributor to the book Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome.
Having a fun, structured way to engage children in building understanding around emotions and strategies to manage emotions is essential to parents, teachers and therapists.
The My Feelings game is just the solution! It introduces emotions in a funny, silly game that every child will love playing. With the accompanying storybook, children will grow to love the characters as they explore their own emotions throughout the game.
Every classroom, childcare centre, therapist’s office and family room should not be without this game. It is sure to be a hit with all children that you work and play with.

About Debbie Irish
Debbie Irish has over thirty years of experience, starting her career in general disabilities and later specializing in autism spectrum disorders. Debbie joined Geneva Centre for Autism in 2001 to start a web-based program, respiteservices.com, which later became a provincial service. Over the years Debbie has run a number of large-scale provincial training programs for educators and child care providers, leading to the development of a large e-learning program that reaches around the world.
Through a number of managerial and directorial positions, Debbie has influenced all areas of Geneva Centre's enterprise. This culminated in the position of Chief Executive Officer, which she has held since 2013.
Sensational Learners has combined fun and education in a game that is sure to be a hit with parents and clinicians. As a clinician, I am always looking for engaging ways to make abstract concepts more concrete, and the My Feelings game has kids learning without even realizing. Parents will enjoy using the game to connect, to learn more about each other, and to just be silly.
I look forward to playing this game with my own children as well as with the children I work with in my capacity as a Speech-Language Pathologist.

About Rozanne Israel
Rozanne has over twenty years of clinical experience working with children with speech, language, communication and developmental difficulties. She graduated in 1993 from the University of Cape Town in South Africa, and moved to Canada in 1994. She worked at St. Joseph's Health Centre in a sole-care position as well as at the Hanen Centre in Toronto for her first few years in Canada. At the Hanen Centre, she ran parent training workshops for late talkers, toddlers and children with developmental delays. She enjoyed her role as an adult educator and came to see herself as a partner with the parents.
In 1996 Rozanne joined the staff of the Speech and Stuttering Institute, a treatment centre for children with motor speech disorders. She developed and headed a number of pilot and research projects at SSI, including the Motor Speech Parent Child Playgroup for toddlers, which was later implemented across all quadrants of Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services. Rozanne also piloted and developed a group parent training program for older children with motor speech disorders. She consulted to, mentored and trained community SLPs in the York Region Pre-school Speech and Language Program (Beyond Words); Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services (TPSLS) and Auditory Verbal therapists at the Learning to Listen Foundation. She was a Clinical Educator for the University of British Columbia Graduate Speech-Language Pathology programs.